Everyone's dream is to have an online business. Be you're own boss, work when you want, spend more time with family.
Some people strive for mega success with dreams of making millions and millions of dollars. Others are content with replacing the salary from their day job.
Maybe you already have an existing business, and want to take it to the next level. Whatever the case, it's important to remember this constant truth:
Don't try to recreate the wheel. Learn from the victories and defeats from those who have been there, done that.
It's important to establish a mindset that success is possible. And a great way to do that is by listening to podcasts from people who are already successful, and have been in your shoes.
Podcasts are great because even though they take longer to consume than a blog post, you can conveniently listen to them while you're out running errands, cooking, exercising, whatever.
But because they are a bigger time-investment, it's important to be picky about where your attention goes. And that's why I was so excited to find this article by our friends over at NicheHacks.
These are 7 of the best podcasts for people who want or have an online business:
1. Screw the Nine to Five
This is a podcast that hasn’t had any new episodes since late 2015 when the couple behind it, Josh and Jill Stanton, decided to shut down production for the time-being.
BUT all of their past episodes are still available on their site and in iTunes, and they’re a goldmine.
At one point, I was listening to one episode every day and was always taking notes on the advice they gave, it was just so valuable.
It’s some of the best nitty-gritty strategy advice I’ve heard on the mechanics of making an online business successful, so if you only check out one podcast on this list, this is the one I’d suggest.
Plus it’s specifically aimed at people still working in a 9-5 position who are growing a business on the side, which is the vast majority of readers here.
2. The Suitcase Entrepreneur
I look up to Natalie Sisson for a lot of reasons, the main ones being her success and the way she candidly shares her journey to success.
In every episode of this show I’ve listened to, she’s not afraid to admit the things she’s struggling with in her business.
And hearing the steps she takes to work through those problems helps me see where I can plan better and avoid mistakes in my own business.
She’s super candid in sharing her own journey, which is something I really appreciate.
And how she manages to balance the possibility of traveling all the time with the need to sit down with her laptop and get serious work done.
3. AskPat
This is a five-day per week podcast, where Pat Flynn answers online and passive income business questions in a very straight-forward and matter-of-fact format.
Each episode is 10 minutes or less, so they’re quick to listen to and get back to tackling your to-do list.
I like listening to what Pat has to say, especially from a niche marketing perspective.
Because before he was ever famous for making loads of money in passive income by talking about passive income, he was walking the walk in a very real way.
At the time of writing, he has well over 700 of these episodes, and the questions he answers are uber-specific and unique.
(Which, honestly, means that every single episode may not be for you, but the ones that are will be super helpful.)
4. Growth Everywhere
The focus of the interviews are startup founders who start small, bootstrap, and then scale on a really big level.
So if you’re after serious growth in your niche business, I’d suggest listening to a few episodes—especially episodes where authors are interviewed—to get ideas to start implementing.
The reason I suggest authors is because their business models are usually a little truer to the solopreneur / solo online marketer model, so their ideas are more on par with your reality.
5. My Wife Quit Her Job
I LOVE suggesting My Wife Quit Her Job to niche marketers because the story of Steve Chou and his wife is almost exactly the same sort of story all wannabe niche marketers face:
You feel numb and complacent in your 9-5 grind, and you want to live a better, more fulfilling life.
Steve and his wife were tired of waking up early, drinking coffee, heading into work, coming home at 6:30, and then not having the passion or zest left over to do anything but eat dinner and watch TV.
“Even though we both made a pretty good salary from our day jobs,” says Steve, “we were coasting our way through life like lifeless zombies.”
After his wife got pregnant with their first child, they both got really motivated to improve their lives, and his wife knew she wanted to quit her job to stay home with the baby.
But… with the cost of a child and their lifestyle, they couldn’t really afford for her not to work at all.
Within a year, their niche site selling wedding linens replaced his wife’s salary without her spending so much time working.
On his podcast, he interviews entrepreneurs like him and his wife who bootstrapped their businesses to make big money and improve their lifestyles…
6. The Solopreneur Hour / Proudly Unemployable
The Solopreneur Hour, titled Proudly Unemployable in iTunes, features interviews between the host and a slew of successful business owners.
It focuses on how—even if you don’t have any employable skills—you can take your interests and your hobbies and turn it into a successful business.
And these episodes make it clear the kinds of things you should focus on, and which things tend to take care of themselves.
The interviews themselves focus on the mechanics of how a business was built from the ground up, giving you loads of inspiration.
Plus, since most of these people aren’t serial entrepreneurs, they’ve usually got plenty of “Oh shit, can’t believe I just did that” stories, which provide you with loads of lessons on what to avoid while building out your niche site.
7. Lucky Bitch
I think a lot of the struggle to succeed here comes from mindset blocks around money, that can influence our behavior without us realizing it.
Which is why I’m so thankful I came across this podcast.
Truth be told, the podcast is just the audio version of the videos posted on the blog every week, but they’re super effective at helping me keep my money mindset in check.
As the name kind of suggests, it’s content aimed towards women, but I think the basic messages of each podcast episode apply to everyone.
(And not to show too much favoritism, but this is the only podcast I now listen to religiously, as soon as a new episode comes out.)
Source: NicheHacks
You can learn more about these podcasts at NicheHacks
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