It's one of the most common health conditions in the entire developed world.
Tons of people have it, and the older you get, the more likely you are to acquire it.
And even though it's usually considered benign, it can and does kill.
It's hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.
You might even have high blood pressure yourself. If not, I can guarantee you know at least one person who does.
Millions of people are looking for ways to get their hypertension under control. Many are on medication, but lifestyle changes are also a big part of treating it.
There are also natural and herbal remedies that can provide some benefits, especially when combined with a healthier lifestyle.
This is a massive market, worth $36 million USD.
And right now, there aren't a whole lot of people taking advantage of this highly profitable niche.
With tons of potential subniches and millions of readers or customers, you could make some serious money helping people reduce their hypertension and improve their quality of life.
In a recent blog post, Niche Hacks offers some up to date details and stats about this golden opportunity.
Market Size & Worth
- Market Size is USD 36 million
- About 70 million American adults (29%) have high blood pressure—that’s 1 in every 3 adults.
- Only about half (52%) of people with high blood pressure have their condition under control
- High blood pressure costs the nation $46 billion each year. This total includes the cost of health care services, medications to treat high blood pressure, and missed days of work.
- High blood pressure was a primary or contributing cause of death for more than 360,000 Americans in 2013—that's nearly 1,000 deaths each day.
- Annual Growth 11.5%
The global blood pressure monitoring devices market is expected to reach USD 2.0 billion by 2022, according to a new report by Grand View Research, Inc.
Rising geriatric population prone to high blood pressure is expected to widen the consumer base by triggering incidences of target diseases such as hypertension which is anticipated to drive the demand for blood pressure monitors in the future.
In addition, increasing awareness levels and demand for personalized & portable devices for monitoring are the factors contributing towards the market growth.
In addition, increasing awareness levels and demand for personalized & portable devices for monitoring are the factors contributing towards the market growth.
- Core consumers aged 65 and above about 12.6% followed by 40-44 about 8.7%
- 3% Male and 54.6% Female users are married
- 8% people have no educational qualification
- 17% people are Assoc. Professional & Technicians
- 8% are in occupation of Wholesale and retail sales
Niche Demand
Keyword Avg Monthly Searches High Blood Pressure 301,000 High Diastolic 14,850 Hypertension 125,330 High Pressure 125,330 Symptoms Of High 209,480 Pressure Chart 187,640 Pressure Lowering 138,850 Pressure Range 58,430 The table above shows the monthly searches on Google for this niche.
Combined they add up to an over 1,200,000 searches a month and that's not including the thousands of long tail keywords that we haven't covered.
This is a huge niche with a lot of demand.
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You can find more juicy details about this underexploited niche over at NicheHacks.
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