Nicolas Kusmich was a pastor.
He's a small-town kind of guy.
Like most clergymen, he was making a modest salary of about $30,000 a year.
That was before he got into Facebook ads.
Today, he's a successful consultant that manages over $9 million of total ad spend for big-name companies.
He's a masterful Facebook marketer.
Not only does he deliver an ROI for his clients, but he's also making millions of dollars annually for himself.
Kusmich credits his success to three critical things:
- Feel.
- Felt.
- Found.
Probably not what you expected from a three-point bullet list of “critical things for making money with Facebook ads.”
What does “Feel, Felt, Found” even mean?
This recent article from Entrepreneur explains how these critical variables play into the process of crafting your message, helping you create ads and marketing messages that makes a deeper connection with your audience.
Crafting a message that makes an emotional connection with readers is essential if you want to turn Facebook ads into profit.
How to craft your message.
Everyone wants to make money with their Facebook ads. That much is clear.
But, most people fail before they even get started.
They fail because they don't craft the right message.
In other words, they don't connect with their audience.
Kusmich tells me that there's a simple formula to doing this.
If you follow the formula, you'll be a step ahead of the game.
No expensive Facebook ads courses are necessary.
All you have to do is follow the feel-felt-found formula.
The goal is to connect. To make that connection, you have to create empathy.
Let the prospects know that you understand how they feel.
This should address the pain point and origin of the problem that they're experiencing and that you're solving with whatever it is that you're selling.
The next part in the empathy bridge in crafting your message is to relate that you've felt the same way.
You know how they feel because you've felt that way specifically.
That was the catalyst for whatever product or service it is that you've created to address the problem.
This is where you tell the prospects about the solution you found. Or, the origins for the solution.
Something that worked for you or that you've implemented and has worked for others.
If you look at this in the macro, you're effectively saying the following. “Hey, I know how you feel… I've felt the same way… until I've found…”
That's it. Remember, you're creating an empathy bridge.
Kusmich says that a good marketing message is not when your ideal prospect understands you.
It's when your ideal prospect is understood by you.
That's where the connection is created. Remember that people seldom buy on logic.
They buy on emotion.
The better you are at creating that emotional connection in your message, the more likely you'll sell, sell, sell.
You can get the full story on Nicolas Kusmich's strategy in the full article from Entrepreneur.
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