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Create Highly Profitable Retargeting Ads (Preview)

Presenting: A Sophisticated Ad Strategy

Retargeting ads are among the most profitable ads we’ve run. Whether you use Facebook retargeting techniques or retargeting ads on another platform, you’ll need some traffic to retarget first, so this is an ‘advanced’ topic in that sense, but it’s not difficult to do.
The idea of retargeting ads is to use techniques to filter for a specific audience of people who have seen your initial ads, or who have already visited your site or landing page, in order to market to people who already have some familiarity with your products. Done correctly, retargeting ads can have relatively low cost and high conversion rates.

Here’s how to set up Facebook retargeting ads:

Important: Retargeting ads absolutely rely on initial traffic before they can work. That is, before you can narrow down an audience and show ads to only people who have seen your ads before, or who have visited your sales page, you need to establish some volume of people doing whichever of those actions you use for the retargeting ads and that volume must continue for the retargeting method to be effective. This is a fantastic way to generate lots of additional conversions for a little more ad spend, but it is an addition to an existing campaign.

*Pro-tip: click the gear icon at the bottom right and watch the video in high speed if you want it to go faster 🙂

To download the written transcripts for this video: Click Here

To download a simple written guide on how to create your first Facebook retargeting ad: Click Here

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