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Blog Setup, Hosting & Training – $199 setup + $97/mo starting in 30 days
You'll Only Pay $1 Today & You'll Have 30 Days To Try Out The Service Before Your First $97 Payment Begins

The Good News & The Bad News:
Bad News First: We’re Going To Get You A Lot Of Traffic!
How’s that bad news do you ask? Well, let me explain…
The biggest problem that I hear about when people get started with Promotion Engine, is they learn how to drive a tremendous amount of traffic – they learn how to get really cheap traffic – but often they do not have a blog set up and optimized in a way that is going to get them sales.
So they get the traffic, they send it to a badly optimized blog that’s not designed properly and it is not set up to actually help them get leads and help them get sales. So they get a lot of traffic but they don’t necessarily end up getting all the sales they were looking for.
The Good News: We Can Help You With This!
Would like my team to help you and have them set up a highly optimized blog, one that is designed to get you leads, sales and profit?
The blog will automatically put ads in front of your customers as they’re reading your blog to get them to look at the things that you want them to sign up for, the things that you want them to buy.
You’ll Get Over $5,874 In Premium Plugins, Themes & Tools… Preinstalled At No Added Cost!
And in fact, it is using the exact same infrastructure, all the same add-ons, plugins, themes and everything else that I use on my own personal sites. So what the team would do is they would build and set up a brand new blog for you, we would host it on our infrastructure so that you will have the same high level of hosting capacity that I do. Our hosting is designed to have millions of visitors a day and you’ll be on that very same platform. And it will have all of the themes, custom plugins, premium plugins that we had to go out and buy, all the tools and add-ons that you need to make this work in the most efficient way possible. All of that will be included.
Now, normally we charge a setup fee because we actually go in, set it up and get you started and create the blog for you. So normally there is a setup fee, but because you are a Promotion Engine member, I am going to waive that setup fee and I’m going to give you 30 days to get in, try it out, get your blog hosted, get it rolling before you have to decide if you want to continue hosting your blog with us.
There are over $5,874 worth of themes, plugins and other tools included at no additional charge with this package. If you had to go out, and this is no exaggeration, if you had to go out and spend your own money to go buy these themes, buy these plugins, and buy all of the add-ons that we put on these sites, you would spend $5,874 of your own money to go get those things. I’ve already got them, I’ve paid for them, I’ve got licenses that allow me to let my clients use these tools, and I’m going to pass them onto you. So you will be able to use these plugins, use these tools, use these themes, without having to spend that $2,000. So that is an extra special bonus that comes along with this.
We’ll Waive Your Setup Fee & Get You Started For Just $1!
So on top of waiving our setup fee, I’m going to give you a coupon code. You will see that coupon code printed down below this video. Take that coupon code, and when you go to checkout, enter it in at checkout. Enter the coupon code in, and hit Apply Coupon and I will waive our setup fee. Basically you’ll end up paying a $1 today. That’ll give you a chance to have my team build, setup, and optimize your blog and you’ll be setup so that you know when you start sending traffic to it through the Promotion Engine platform that it will be designed to be a converter, one that will get you leads, get you sales, and most importantly make you money. And again, you’ll have 30 days to check it out, you can always cancel and move out of here and go move your site somewhere else if you decide you don’t like it, but I think you will like it.
You’ll Also Get Even More Training, Coaching & Live Help At No Added Cost!
Another little bonus that we are throwing in with this package, twice a month we are going to also be doing additional live training.
So we will have an additional live Q&A session once a month where we can help you with any aspect of running your blog, however you want to ask us questions about how to make money with converting, and getting leads, and sales, and monetizing that site.
Also once a month we are also going to do a special bonus training session where I bring industry leaders to come join us, I actually bribe them, I pay them to deliver their very best content to you. This is not one of those sales webinars, where someone comes on and pitches you with something. I’m literally reaching into my pocket, bribing them, giving them a big bribe and saying Hey if I pay you, will you show up, talk to my customers and give them your very best content. And they show up and it’s 100% content, no pitching. And we’ve covered some amazing topics, like how to use YouTube to hijack youtube authority from big name Youtube stars and them to send you traffic for free, for example. Another one is how to actually go out and find authority figures out in the blogging world and the social media world and how to hijack their traffic and get them to send you traffic. Again, for free.
Also we cover topics regarding how to generate more traffic using a variety of tactics from search engine optimization to social media to many other tactics, even contest marketing. You’ll get training on all of that. And our special guest will show up once a month to deliver this training to you and there is no additional charge.
So you get the twice monthly training: one Q&A session, one guest marketing session where they are going to come in and train you on their very best tactics and techniques. You get the hosting, there will be no fees at all for hosting, it’s included in this subscription and there is no setup fee.
So use the discount coupon code you see below this video. We’ll waive the setup fee, you’ll pay a single dollar today and then you will not begin paying the monthly access fees until 30 days from now.
You have 30 full days to try it out, decide whether you like it, then hang around, continue to get our training, continue to get all the benefits.
Otherwise, feel free to cancel and you can always move your site to some other hosting if you so decide.
Blog Setup, Hosting & Training – $199 setup + $97/mo starting in 30 days
You'll Only Pay $1 Today & You'll Have 30 Days To Try Out The Service Before Your First $97 Payment Begins