I'm Glad You Joined Us!

It was a very smart decision to be part of this first ever early release of PushButton.ai and you’re about to get access to technology, training and help not available ANYWHERE else.

You’ll be receiving a welcome phone call and email.  Keep an eye out for those.

Our team will make sure you are properly onboarded and you have full access to your purchase.

Our live training sessions have begun and you'll also receive email invites to our live sessions.

In the meantime, if you need any help, use the following links:

Software & Training:

In approximately 60 seconds your account will be activated and you can log in at:


You will login with your username and password you just set up.


If you need help, you can always put in a support ticket at our help desk:


Thanks again, and here's to your success!!

Bill and The PushButton AI Team

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